
And it burns burns burns...

As most of my fellow students very well know, now is the time when professors decide to cash in all kinds of insane demands. In other words, TONS of homework.
That being said, I didn't want to go without a post, but am afraid I really need to get back to Art History, so Imma keep dis reeel short.
Thanks to all you loyal followers and your support is so very much appreciated.



Just keep swimming...

Well here we are... 2010.
The holidays were kinda rough this year. There was just so much going on, so I took a little break from sharing my work with the world in order to get myself in order. But never fear! I'm back and ready to rock!
Like many people I know, I have a tendancy to over-book myself. School-this and work-that, not to mention social responsibilities and time for myself. Through it all, I have to remind myself to just keep swimming. All this craziness will one day pay off.

A big fat thank you goes to my 3 loyal followers ;-)
Without the support of my friends and family, I wouldn't be here doing what I love.
Thank you all, and I love you dearly.

Photo taken at the Georgia Aquarium.



Sometimes it's difficult to get a great shot. Sometimes you just get lucky.

Case in point, see above. This was taken at the North Georgia State Fair this past September. Luckily I got there early enough this year to shoot some "magic hour" shots. This one is probably my favorite. The light coming from behind the rides just amazes me. Another favorite quality is the expressions on the people's faces. Here we have wonder and amazement, excitement and anticipation. The fair is always a fantastic environment to shoot in, and rarely have I ever walked away with out at least ten great shots.
I am also so very thankful that I have the opportunity every year to submit my photos to the contest run by the Parks and Rec department. This contest has given me a boost in confidence, and re-affirmed the fact that yes, this can be my career.

Thank you to CCPRCAD and Mark for everything you have done for me, and thank you North Georgia State Fair, for being so awesome.

Winner of 1st place - Fun in the Park Photo Contest
{5/11/10} A print of this image now named "Whirly" will appear in the Kennesaw State University permenant collection gallery


Shades of Gray

How long has it been since you have been to a photography show/gallery and seen a single spot of color? Long time eh? Well one of the things I pride myself on is use of color. I understand that black and white photography emphasizes the subject and strips the photo of any distracting qualities, but when did color become a bad thing? Why is black and white the standard for modern photography? Well, no more I say. I love black and white photos as much as the next person, but color is so much more alluring. Give me a bright blue sky and rich green grass anyday.


Box? What box?

Now, for those of you who know me well, you know just how much I abhor "shopped" photos. I am pretty old fashioned in this respect, I don't think that airbrushing models/subjects counts as photography. In that respect, you might as well google images of them and piece them together. However, I am ok with the little stuff; cropping, adjusting brightness/contrast, etc. These are essentials to any photographer.
I am however a HUGE fan of thinking outside the box with your photography. This sunset for instance, is not shopped in any way (except for brightness and contrast), it was taken just as you see it. With one catch. Placing dark tinted sunglasses in front of the lens right before you snap doesn't really count as shopping, does it? Is this a form of cheating? Absolutely. But, is this cheat an acceptable one? Perhaps. I have seen photographers bounce light off of walls to get the right affect (I myself have done this), when the look could have easily been attained by shoppin'. Now what fun is that? There are no rules that say you can't do what is necessary to get your shot (unless of course you are paparazzi, then there are LOTS of rules)and who says you have to fake it? Use your environment. As artists, we should try to avoid digitally altering our images if possible.
Then again, that's just my opinion ;-)


Ring of fire

Part of my job working with the Parks and Recreation Department is photography at our many special events throughout the year. This particular photo was taken at the Daddy Daughter/Mother Son Dance, which is one of my favorite events. It is a beautiful time where parents can spend an evening with their children, dressed to the nines, dancing the night away. The look on these children's faces is always priceless. How often do children get treated to a lovely candlelit, formal affair? Treat your children. They are not entertained solely by Disney movies. Think outside the television.

Winner of 2nd place - Fun in the Park Photo Contest


Mirror mirror burnt to ash

A few years ago, I was devastated to learn that my mother's home caught fire in the middle of the night and burned to the ground. This mirror hung in her living room for years. This is another of my favorite images, and another that further firms my belief that I have a gift.
The fire was a tragedy, only two little furry lives were lost, but it could have been so much worse. Each day is a gift, treasure the lives you hold close to you.