
A Change of Heart

The Spring semester is over and done.  All the tired little students are through shaking in their boots (myself included), and done with the late night madness.  With that being said, it's now time for me to buckle down and get this blog rockin!  The past few weeks have been insane, and I pretty much abandoned the site to focus on dem grades, and fortunately it paid off.  So here we go!
Now I know this blog is focused on my photography, but thanks to an awesome prof I decided to give painting a whirl.  I have never really explored painting.  I have never been especially talented at drawing, or for that matter painting.  But there is always room for change...
This past semester I was lucky enough to nab a spot in Joe Remillard's painting 1 class, and lemme tell ya, I think I might just love this.  Joe was very understanding of my lack of drawing talent, and really helped me to see what I needed to see to improve my skill.  I am so grateful for his understanding and pure epicicity.
Above are the four paintings I finished in and out of his class.
From top to bottom we have; "Still Life with Waldo", "I am Jack's Grey Matter", "Who's Afraid of the Cookie Monster", and "ISO200 "the Painting".  I am especially proud of all these bad boys, and that begs the question...  What's so wrong with a double major?

Ps - For the curious viewer, Waldo is indeed included in each and every one of these works.   Can you find him? ;-)